Tieteen päivien avajaiset

Tapahtumia muualla
Tapahtumia muualla lokaatio: 
Juhlasali, Helsingin yliopiston päärakennus
Keskiviikko 9.1.
17.00 - 18.30
  • Ohjelmatoimikunnan puheenjohtajan avaussanat - professori Tuija Pulkkinen (Helsingin yliopisto) 
  • Valtiovallan tervehdys - opetusministeri Sanni Grahn-Laasonen
  • Musiikkia: Kontrasteja (Béla Bartók)
  • Avajaisesitelmä Unite to fight for academic freedom! - vararehtori Éva Fodor (Central European University, Budapest)
  • Musiikkia ja tanssia: Sotilaan tarina (Igor Stravinsky)

Musiikki ja tanssi: Tuulia Ylönen (klarinetti), Eriikka Maalismaa (viulu), Emil Holmström (piano) ja Annatuuli Saine (tanssi).

Avajaisesitelmän abstrakti:

Vararehtori Éva Fodor (CEU): Unite to fight for academic freedom! 

This talk will address threats to academic freedom in an increasingly anti-liberal political atmosphere within and in the immediate neighborhood of the European Union.  Specifically, I will discuss the political attack against the Central European University (CEU) and the international and local struggle to save it from closure.  I will place the case of the CEU within a broader context of existing limitations on academic freedom where not only institutions but also disciplines and individual researchers are targeted.  In Hungary, as in other anti-liberal societies, doing research in certain fields, such as gender studies or migration studies, requires extraordinary courage as expulsion based on legislation, blacklisting, and personal threats are everyday occurrences.  It is important for the academic community to be aware of the increasing threats academics and their institutions face in the beginning of the 21st century.